Thursday, October 28, 2021


possessing quiet competence she flies
and touches lives
she touches lives across the enterprise
for good
invariably for good
when all is done and said

then again with quiet competence she flies
and leaves our eyes
she leaves our eyes with tears
and a reflected touch of red
invariably good
she is
when all is done and said

© 2021 Frederick Andrew ~ All Rights Reserved

Inspired by and for Erin Holmes.

Monday, May 31, 2021

in which we learn from our mistakes

sometimes the cream
that rises up
is little more than scum

both left and right
and beats an evil drum

divisive and
fomenting lies and hate

distracting from
the work at hand
with spin that won't abate

while tendrils
quietly invade
and suck the body dry

naught but a
husk remaining to decry

the narcissistic
self promoting lot

we let engage
our baser selves
while they float up on top


how can we
overcome this spiral
vampiric decay

first pause and breathe
kindness wins the day

in every
be it large or be it small

the path to kindness
must be clear
or else we take the fall

and darkness
tempered not by stars
becomes our promised land


when leaders we've
anointed channel
orange hate and fear

they threaten
with their sneers and smirks
the things we hold

most dear
the freedom to be
who we are

despite prevail-
ing preferences
and sensibilities

these leaders as
they beat their drums
forfeit our fealty

and represent
not progress but
a selfish reality

which we taking
the higher road
vote irrelevancy

in favor of
the kindness which
our legacy becomes

in knowing there
is always time
to just vote out
the bums

Sunday, May 23, 2021

active listening

 static-ful broadcast
fiddling knob mindfully
clarity blossoms

© 2021 Frederick Andrew ~ All Rights Reserved

Sunday, April 25, 2021


there was a time
when I was mired
with false starts
hopes burned hot and fast
to ash

a carpal cramp
born of an overflowing pen

not today

©2021 Frederick Andrew ~ All Rights Reserved

Sunday, April 18, 2021


with no
clear malice
at least by intent
that's how my mom would describe it
she was always right
and pretty

© 2021 Frederick Andrew ~ All Rights Reserved

Sunday, February 28, 2021


what exactly is it
when each action each embrace
whether words or something deeper
formed within the tactile space

is delayed by second guessing
calculation out of fear
there'll be no reciprocation
that the end is so damn near

what exactly is it
or something less sincere

© 2021 Frederick Andrew ~ All Rights Reserved

Inspired by Kris Sasa's What's This Love?

Saturday, January 30, 2021

corporate triptych


dearly desired
corporate transparency
simple elegance


routinely touted
corporate transparency
Goldberg elegance


typically seen
corporate intransigence
eternal collapse

© 2021 Frederick Andrew ~ All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, January 13, 2021


ice cream
universal constants
hinge pins aligning an infinity of diversities


for me pineapple goes with the third
decidedly NOT the first
though I won't turn it away (no bad pizza)

cream only in the second
except for the rare molasses dalliance
I do like a little creole now and again

the third
erotica is in the same ballpark
partial to coffee
cookie dough
even neopolitan will do

beyond these preferences
blindspots I might be willing to explore
come along

© 2021 Frederick Andrew ~ All Rights Reserved