Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Final Straw

When they come for me in the morning
They'll find naught but an empty shell.

Since this is my final journey
It's end will be heaven or hell.

I've played by the rules since the day I was born
And in truth I've got little to show.

But they claim that it's theirs, as opposed to my heirs'
They've offended my faith, don't you know.

In the promise of true independence.
That hard work is the key to success.

I've broken me back try' n to earn what I lack
What I've earned is a pile of regret.

For the dream has been turned into sawdust
Once burned bitter smoke and no more.

'Tis the bankers and lawyers, accountants and such
With their hands out have darkened my door

And feathered their nest with my sinews
Slaked their rough thirst with my blood

The faster I run to get into the sun
The longer my dark trail's become.

So I'll thank you to kindly take notice
That fairness ain't what it once was

We owe them a living and if we aren't giving
They'll take it away at a whack.

Our system's grown so convoluted
A simple man can't plot a course

A notice to pay at the end of the day
Is bureaucracy's only recourse.

When they come for me in the morning
They'll find naught but this empty shell

And the slug in my brain will have caused my last pain
As it blows me to heaven...or hell.

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